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Kasinon taustalta löytyy yritys nimeltä Lucky Dino Gaming Ltd, joka tunnetaan myös kasinoistaan ja .Casino Jefen kissa vie mukanaan seikkailuun, joka pitää sisällään noin 1 400 kasinopeliä, tasonousuihin perustuvan kanta-asiakasohjelman sekä suomenkielisen asiakaspalvelun.

In suppressing the revolution, Batista's government had killed thousands of Cubans; Castro and influential sectors of the press put the death toll at 20,000, but a list of victims published shortly after the revolution contained only 898 names—over half of them combatants. More recent estimates place the death toll between 1,000 and 4,000. In response to popular uproar, which demanded that those responsible be brought to justice, Castro helped to set up many trials, resulting in hundreds of executions. Although popular domestically, critics—in particular the US press, argued that many were not . Castro responded that "revolutionary justice is not based on legal precepts, but on moral conviction."Acclaimed by many across Latin America, he travelled to Venezuela where he met with President-elect , unsuccessfully requesting a loan and a new deal for Venezuelan oil. Returning home, an argument between Castro and senior government figures broke out. He was infuriated that the government had left thousands unemployed by closing down casinos and brothels. As a result, Prime Minister resigned, going into exile in the US and joining the anti-Castro movement.

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Over the following days, the rebels were rounded up; some were executed and others—including Castro—transported to a prison north of Santiago. Believing Castro incapable of planning the attack alone, the government accused and PSP politicians of involvement, putting 122 defendants on trial on 21 September at the Palace of Justice, Santiago. Acting as his own defence counsel, Castro cited Martí as the intellectual author of the attack and convinced the three judges to overrule the army's decision to keep all defendants handcuffed in court, proceeding to argue that the charge with which they were accused—of "organizing an uprising of armed persons against the Constitutional Powers of the State"—was incorrect, for they had risen up against Batista, who had seized power in an unconstitutional manner. The trial embarrassed the army by revealing that they had tortured suspects, after which they tried unsuccessfully to prevent Castro from testifying any further, claiming he was too ill. The trial ended on 5 October, with the acquittal of most defendants; 55 were sentenced to prison terms of between 7 months and 13 years. Castro was sentenced on 16 October, during which he delivered a speech that would be printed under the title of . Castro was sentenced to 15 years' imprisonment in the hospital wing of the Model Prison (), a relatively comfortable and modern institution on the .

Biographer Volker Skierka described Castro's government as a "highly individual, socialist-nationalist system", with Theodore Draper terming his approach "Castroism", viewing it as a blend of European socialism with the Latin American revolutionary tradition.Political scientist Paul C. Sondrol has described Castro's approach to politics as "totalitarian utopianism", with a style of leadership that drew upon the wider Latin American phenomenon of the . He drew inspiration from the wider Latin American anti-imperialist movements of the 1930s and 1940s, including Argentina's and Guatemala's . Castro took a relatively stance on many issues, opposing drug use, gambling, and prostitution, which he viewed as . Instead, he advocated hard work, family values, integrity, and self-discipline. Although his government repressed for decades, later in his life he took responsibility for this persecution, regretting it as a "great injustice", as he himself put it.

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That same year, Grau decided not to stand for re-election, which was instead won by his s new candidate, . Prío faced widespread protests when members of the MSR, now allied to the police force, assassinated Justo Fuentes, a socialist friend of Castro. In response, Prío agreed to quell the gangs, but found them too powerful to control. Castro had moved further to the left, influenced by the writings of , , and . He came to interpret Cuba's problems as an integral part of capitalist society, or the "dictatorship of the ", rather than the failings of corrupt politicians, and adopted the Marxist view that meaningful political change could only be brought about by proletariat revolution. Visiting Havana's poorest neighbourhoods, he became active in the student campaign.

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