Das Online-Magazin der Universität Bern
The function of these general university institutions is to promote dialogue between students in different disciplines and faculties through interdisciplinary events for academic staff and students. The Centre for Continuing University Education (ZUW) focuses on scientific . The selection of topics in the ZUW programmes ranges from public administration through to . In addition, the University of Bern has also taken the lead in the German-speaking world in creating a number of novel study programmes, for instance Evaluation.
A team led by the University of Bern has used a neural network to identify 1,383 rockfall sites on Mars. More than half of these were previously unknown. The discovery is also relevant for future Mars missions.
Somos muitas realidades dentro de um único Grupo: vagas em negócios, marketing & comunicação, operações, pesquisa & desenvolvimento, tecnologia e muito mais.
Bogdan Sonea, Marketing Manager Unibet România, a declarat:
There are six centres with specialized roles and interfaculty units maintained by the University of Bern:
UNIBE es una comunidad universitaria que promueve una experiencia educativa transformadora y crea conocimiento relevante a través de un modelo de excelencia e innovación, fomentando un liderazgo que impacta la sociedad local y global.
In addition to the classical disciplines, the University of Bern has also established programmes in newer ones such as and . It is the only institution in Switzerland with a theatre studies course that enables students to major in dance in their master program. The University of Bern also offers the Master in Applied Economic Analysis (MAEA), which is the only university-level program in Switzerland with focus on applied economic analysis. The Graduate Schools for doctoral candidates offer further-reaching programmes that are closely linked to the university's research priorities in the fields of climate science, and penal law and criminology.
The university has defined specific strategic focuses of research and established interdisciplinary centres for research and teaching. The biomedical engineering programmes of the Artificial Organ (ARTORG) Center for Biomedical Engineering Research and the Public Management and Policy programme of the Center of Competence for Public Management (CCPM).
The online magazine of the University of Bern
As a comprehensive university, Bern covers a wide range of classical university courses in some 39 bachelor, 71 master and 69 advanced study programs. The Physics Institute contributed to the and still carries out experiments and provides apparatus for and space missions on a regular basis.
Das Online-Magazin der Universität Bern
Gallen, Universität Luzern, Universität Zürich, ZHAW Zürcher Hochschule für Angewandte Wissenschaften, Université de Neuchâtel, Université de Fribourg, Université de Genève, Kalaidos Fachhochschule/Kalaidos Law School, Université de Lausanne, Università della Svizzera Italiana, Hochschule Luzern (HSLU), FHNW, OST Ostschweizer Fachhochschule, ETH Zürich, Berner Fachhochschulen, FernUni Schweiz.
The online magazine of the University of Bern
Der höchstdotierte Preis der Universität Bern geht 2024 an die US-amerikanische Virologin und Immunologin Kizzmekia Corbett-Helaire. Ihre Forschung erweitert die Grenzen der Impfstofftechnologie.
Das Online-Magazin der Universität Bern
The medical faculties of the Universities of Bern and Basel have formed a strategic alliance in the fields of , , and . The Vetsuisse Faculty was created in 2006 through the merger of the Faculties of veterinary medicine of the Universities of Bern and . The Humanities Faculty is comparable to the arts and sciences departments of American universities and offers majors in the three areas of art and culture, archaeology and history, and languages and literature. The Faculty of Science focuses on the natural and life sciences. The Human Sciences Faculty was founded in 2005 and offers study programmes in education, sports and psychology.
The online magazine of the University of Bern
The University of Bern is closely associated with the Swiss capital city of Bern. Academic excellence has earned Bern an international reputation. A large variety of education, sport and cultural opportunities as well as high living and environmental standards make Bern an attractive place for undergraduates, researchers and doctoral students.
Where to look for scholarship opportunities
Momentka z Czech Tour 2024, kde v dresu TDT - Unibet Cycling Team startovali oba čeští závodníci
Das Online-Magazin der Universität Bern
«Es ist echt cool, dass ein Weltraumteleskop beobachtet, was ich ihm vorgebe!» Das sagt die Doktorandin Jo Ann Egger, die als jüngstes und erstes studentisches Mitglied ins CHEOPS-Wissenschaftsteam gewählt wurde. Wie ist es dazu gekommen?
The online magazine of the University of Bern
Lidi, kteří do toho mají co mluvit, se vyjadřují k zisku divoké karty pro rok 2026 skepticky. Jednak by podmínkou byl zánik obou výše jmenovaných francouzských týmů, jednak zisk dostatečného množství bodů ze strany Unibet Tietema Rockets a také to, že v současné době nemá soupiska Unibet Tietema Rockets takovou kvalitu, aby na konci sezóny 2025 přesvědčili organizátory Tour de France, aby jim přidělili divokou kartu pro další ročník Staré dámy.